Life Unedited

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Int'l Women's Day: The Power of Authenticity

Authenticity is letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. ~Brené Brown

Since 1911, countries and communities around the world have celebrated the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year, International Women’s Day celebrates “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.” The goal: to put innovation by women and girls, for women and girls, at the heart of efforts to achieve gender equality. 

If you’re wondering how global development goals relate to you... it’s simple.

Social change begins at a the level of individuals. It requires persistent, often unremarkable, acts of courage:

For girls, it’s being the first to speak up. It’s saying no without offering a reason. For parents, it’s allowing boys to cry and girls to get angry. It’s giving them equal access to education. For teachers, it’s calling on girls in STEM classes. For women, it’s accepting failures as lack of experience or knowledge— not unworthiness.  

Today, like every other day, I honor and celebrate my sister-friends. Everyday activists.

Their creativity and resilience inspire me to dare more than what seems achievable!

Through their accomplishments, I’ve witnessed the power of one: One woman’s courage to overcome restrictive gender-based norms really does open doors for countless other women and girls... and ultimately betters her community as a whole. 

pLoThoughts on… Wanna change the world? Be who you are without reservation. Authenticity always wins.