Got Grit? Attitude Shapes Outcomes


What do you perceive in the old-school emoji above? A smile or a frown?

Easy? Not so much. Simple? Yes... as hell. 💥 As Viktor Frankl observed— to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances is “the last of human freedoms.” pLoThoughts on... The inevitable: good and bad happen. The choice: how we handle it. 

Basically life is like a ball game: There are spectators and players. We identify them by where they sit during the game. Spectators in the bleachers. Players on the field or the bench.

Take a cue from NFL 49ers Steve Young who started his college football career as 8th-string QB: finding the :) in life requires grit.

During his first season at BYU, he told his dad he wanted to drop out. It wasn’t what he signed up for. His only time on the field was during practice- as “punching bag” for tackles. His dad, (nicknamed Grit- useless yet curious trivia), gave him two options: quit, find a job and place to live or work harder and keep the unwavering support of his family no matter the result of his efforts.

You know what he chose and the rest is history.

The secret recipe? It’s about clarity, persistence and effort applied consistently across time.

Inspiration from the 2-time league MVP: “Outside stuff never did affect me very much because I’m basically driven from within. For me, it’s about self-improvement and being better than I was the day before.”

So— do you choose the certainty of shackles and excuses or do you choose possibility and the risk of fulfillment? Pick the seat you want. There’s room for us all. And remember: nobody can keep you on the sidelines except you.  
