Busy being busy: Hard work or fear of connection?

What got you here won’t get you there. ~Marshall Goldsmith

“I’m always the first to arrive and the last to leave,” he said. By society’s standards, he has it all: a couple of degrees, fancy acronyms behind his name, thriving business, happy clients. 

“My identity (has been rooted in) being the hardest worker,” he admitted. 

But, like everything in life, things change. 

I stayed quiet- holding space for the other shoe to drop. 

The truth spilled forth: “Now I realize I‘ve just been flattering myself.” 

2020 is almost here. More than half the world’s population (4.1 billion) are connected. Yet, we’re losing touch w our humanity.

We hide behind screens. Literally and figuratively:

1. Our devices shield us from the intimacy of eye contact. 

2. Earbuds signal “Don’t talk to me.” They ward off intrusions- from potential interactions w strangers to important convo w ppl who matter. 

3. And then there’s the screen of being busy... busy bc we’re afraid to connect. Or afraid to be seen... disappointed... or hurt. 

So, what’s missing? A ‘raison d’être’. A sense of identity other than that of our work. Cue the accomplished, very BUSY friend: “I think it's about who we share it all with."

In “The Balcony,” Jean Genet examined the same existential question: Without our cloak- be it the white coat, flight suit or habit- who are we? What’s our personal purpose in relation to others?

While we map our professional goals, our personal life often falls through the cracks. Some don’t invest in it at all. No wonder many wonder: Is there more? 

The beauty of this problem? Often, what’s missing is what’s already there: not something, but someone- a connection. 

To the workaholics who want to feel as fierce in your own skin as you do in your prof’l cloak— the holidays are perfect time to get busy* being YOU! 

📌Lower your screens. Flirt. Ramble. Embrace your awkward.

📌Say yes to hot chocolate. And whipped cream. And sprinkles. Call him. Or her. Stop running from the butterflies. 
(It’s a sign you’re on friendly ground, not a fire alarm) 

📌Talk to dogs. They’ll remind you the power of presence.

📌Be naughty & nice— bc nobody likes a bore. And nobody trusts perfection. (The concept of bliss point applies as much to relationships as to food🤓🤪)

📌Last, don’t be a Grinch! Let go of the reins and give in to connection. 

Because... what got you here won’t get you there.

pLoThoughts on... Get busy tuning in to those you want to share it all with!

Felices fiestas y Merry Christmas, guys🎁

~Marshall Goldsmith

~Marshall Goldsmith